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the thing is,

i have no idea.

about anything.

what am i doing?

all i know is what i thought

and it's over now.

college classes ended.

seems like not so big a deal

except is.

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2004-05-05 12:16 a.m.
how do you write haikus anyway?

last 5
jumping ship - 2005-06-13
- - 2005-05-23
something is about to give - 2005-05-18
i'm so much older than i can take - 2005-05-10
the emperor has no clothes - 2005-04-16

About Me:

22/f. red hair, freckles, short. cautiously optimistic. in grad school and not entirely sure if that was the best decision. love music, the ocean, and sunshine. sometimes feel like i can do anything, other times am crippled by the fear that everything i know is wrong.