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holy shit, kids. last night was probably one of the most fun moments of college. first of all, it was senior pub nite with a music video theme. so i reprised my bee costume from halloween to be the bee girl from the blind melon video. a fair number of people actually got it, including T, who i have a ginormous crush on. his smile lights up the world. hahaha. it really does.

so after pub night [they played the darkness, twas quite exciting], A and i decide to go to these dudes' apt to hang out and play beirut [aka beer pong]. now i am fairly awful at beirut, because it requires hand-eye coordination and such. but A insisted i play with her. mostly, it's not the fact that i'm bad that annoys me, it's the fact that i hate losing. i am a sore loser. and we were playing against our friend C and his awful domineering bitch of a girlfriend, and i couldn't lose to her. so by some miracle of fate, they lost, we won. bring on the next duo, who we easily disposed of. now i'm getting cocky. A's friend K, one of the guys who lives there, says it looks like we're ending the night undefeated. so these two jackass boys are all condescending and say "we'll change that." grrrr. A and i get pissed. so we accept their challenge. problem is, these guys are pretty good. but the gods of good beirut fortune shone upon us, and i was actually hitting. the game was pretty even until they have one cup and we have two. it looked pretty bad for us then. miraculously, i get it in. so now we're one vs. one. you could cut the tension with a knife. at this point it had gone way beyond a friendly neighborhood game. these guys obviously considered it a blow to their manhood that they were in danger of losing to girls. one of them was acting like a four year old, everytime i missed, he would be like "hahha, you missed!" so then we just had to win. they were too obnoxious. so, last cup, i hit it... but then A has to hit it too to officially end the game. and what are the fucking odds, it goes in. people, it was like winning the stanley cup. we were jumping up and down and hugging... and the loser guys knocked all their cups over in a fit of rage. hilarity! honestly, i was so damn proud. ah, the sweet taste of victory.

sometimes its the little things, haha.

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2004-05-24 1:31 p.m.
we are the champions

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jumping ship - 2005-06-13
- - 2005-05-23
something is about to give - 2005-05-18
i'm so much older than i can take - 2005-05-10
the emperor has no clothes - 2005-04-16

About Me:

22/f. red hair, freckles, short. cautiously optimistic. in grad school and not entirely sure if that was the best decision. love music, the ocean, and sunshine. sometimes feel like i can do anything, other times am crippled by the fear that everything i know is wrong.