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ok, i am writing simply because i want the entry i wrote earlier today off... i hate feeling sorry for myself, and i wasn't even feeling particularly down, so i don't know why i wrote it. it just came out.

anyway, i wanted to say a few words about howard dean. i am really sad that his campaign is over, but unfortunately, it was over as of iowa, so i can't say i'm surprised. personally, i think that dean had guts, and i am proud to have been a part of his campaign-- the largest non-government supported fundraising effort ever. i also think that dean's stance was important, the democrats needed someone to step up and move the party left. how far that will go remains to be seen. i don't think dean was perfect, and after the media blew his iowa speech out of proportion, there was simply no chance he would ever beat bush. (though i have strong reservations that kerry or edwards will beat bush, either.) anyway, i don't know who i'm going to vote for now, i'll just go back to my original plan of "ABB," like the sticker on my cd-case says-- anybody but bush!

also... i really really really want an ipod or an mp3 player. i have become obssessed with the idea of having one, even though it is a ridiculous dream for now because i can't afford it. right now i can barely afford food, beer and concert tickets which have been my main expenses in 2004. i guess i'll be waiting for all those big checks come graduation time... only 100 days as of today to graduation! AHHH!

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2004-02-18 8:15 p.m.
waiting for my rocket to come

last 5
jumping ship - 2005-06-13
- - 2005-05-23
something is about to give - 2005-05-18
i'm so much older than i can take - 2005-05-10
the emperor has no clothes - 2005-04-16

About Me:

22/f. red hair, freckles, short. cautiously optimistic. in grad school and not entirely sure if that was the best decision. love music, the ocean, and sunshine. sometimes feel like i can do anything, other times am crippled by the fear that everything i know is wrong.