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hosted by diaryland
matt nathanson
howie day

i got the title from a stephen kellogg song called "lucky 11," which does indeed rock my socks.

(oh, i almost forgot to say "fucking hell." well fucking hell.)

i have spent this entire break staring at the computer screen. seriously. it's kind of depressing, and i've written ONE page of my thesis. true, i also worked on a scholarship application (that i hopefully won't be needing!) and wrote an editorial... but yeah, i haven't been productive enough.

we interrupt this broadcast to mention once again how much i FUCKING LOVE matt nathanson. my mom is concerned, i think, that i am too obssessed. so i threw some other cds into the mix-- i found the counting crows, sam roberts, and a dmb album lost in my room, so i have been cranking those puppies. i'm also trying to download an old howie day song called "sweet," but this computer is so geriatric. also, the new jeff buckley website is positively slammin and has a media player on it. so, as you can see, i haven't *just* been wasting time on matt nathanson, (not that i would ever say matt is a waste of time!!) but on music in general. (not that music in general is a waste of time, either. but it is distracting.)

i am really starting to think that maybe i should do something about this. like get a life, or something.

well tomorrow, i am heading up to SUNY new paltz to visit two of my best friends in the entire world for a few days. and then i am going to a family function on saturday, and back up to school on sunday. so i may or may not be back before then.

we got the draft of the program for the academic conference this morning. i'm presenting april 23rd... i need to be done and done with my thesis by the end of march.

it's just impossibly and incredibly hard for me to write. the HP told me that alexandre dumas or someone like that had to lock himself in his room naked, with his clothes hidden, in order to force himself to write. i just need a computer without internet... but even that seems pretty drastic. its hard to do in the house. i should have stayed at school, methinks, and dragged myself to the library. it would have been less distracting than trying to make plans to see people. oh well... i'm going to have to learn to live with distractions, because life is full of them.

which reminds me, i saw this commercial for "adult ADD" last night. i was thinking to myself at first, "ooh, i think i have that." but then i thought, where is the line between forcing yourself to pay attention to something because you're bored/lazy/apathetic/distracted or because you have a medical condition. i don't think its a medical condition, i think its a personality trait. i am sort of against all of that medication crap... i think you have to learn to pay attention and discipline yourself.

which i'm obviously SUPER talented at doing.


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2004-03-10 2:50 p.m.
broken-hearted when there's nothing to be broken-hearted for

last 5
jumping ship - 2005-06-13
- - 2005-05-23
something is about to give - 2005-05-18
i'm so much older than i can take - 2005-05-10
the emperor has no clothes - 2005-04-16

About Me:

22/f. red hair, freckles, short. cautiously optimistic. in grad school and not entirely sure if that was the best decision. love music, the ocean, and sunshine. sometimes feel like i can do anything, other times am crippled by the fear that everything i know is wrong.