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howie day

Well, we interrupt my work (which I haven�t started) to bring you a weekend update. Friday started off with my thesis presentation in the afternoon which went surprisingly well� I got a lot of compliments on it afterward� and one of the smartest boys that I know (who won the Watson Fellowship for 04-05, craziness!) came up to me afterward and told me I was so smart and how impressed he was. So, that was nice. Also, the parents of one of the guys who was on my panel (there were four of us and we each had 20 min presentations) came up to me afterwards and told me what a great job I did, which I thought was really cool. I turned out not to be as nervous as I was practicing, which is weird. Talking for twenty minutes straight is definitely a lot longer than it seems when you�re up at the podium though. But it was good practice for the future.

After my thing, I went back to my apartment and found out my roommates and friends got me a little cake. They�re so cute. But we didn�t eat it, because we were all getting ready to go to the fundraiser dinner that my roommate was running�Jamaican food, yum. I have decided that I eat entirely too much and too fast� but I couldn�t help it, I was really hungry and it was delicious.

Then it was off to Boston for a fun-filled night of debauchery. First we stopped off in this place Hong Kong�s to have scorpion bowls and wait for our friend who lives over by the Pru to come meet us. One of my roomies was wicked drunk already. (She�s the wild one of the bunch.) So I danced with her on an empty dance floor. I decided I was just going to have fun and try not to be self-conscious� which of course, was easy enough when there was no one around. But when our friend came and we went to the next bar, Coogan�s, things were a little different� because there were guys EVERYWHERE. I was determined not to be that drunk, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could have fun and not be self-conscious in a bar without being drunk. But for the first part of the night that idea was sucking it up. I felt incredibly shy and like the mother of the aforementioned drunk and shameless roommate who was hitting on every guy in the place. I danced with a couple of guys but I was getting kind of tired. So I was headed off the dance floor over to the bar to find my friends when I passed by a guy that we had first talked to when we walked in� and he said �Hey, where are you going, how about dancing with me?� So� I did� and we end up hooking up. His name was Mark� no kidding, the third guy named Mark that my friends and I met in that bar, must be a Boston thing. And he had the same initials as me, just like the Mark. But� he was way cuter haha. Anyway, I got to talk to him a little bit and he seemed pretty cool. He graduated college last year, English major therefore unemployed according to him hahaha. He asked me to go outside with him while he smoked a cig, so I did, and he asked if I was having fun. Of course I was! Making out with cute boys is like my favorite pasttime. He told me he liked my freckles which I thought was really cute. Then he asked for my number, so I gave it to him.

I decided to go look for my friends about 45 mins before we were supposed to be leaving and it turns out one of them was sick� isn�t it always the way? But there was really nothing we could do about it because our bus wasn�t leaving til 2 am� and ok, I admit, I was being selfish and wanted to go back to the guy. So I did, he had bought me a drink� and then he gave me HIS number. Haha. So we went and danced (i.e. made out on the dance floor) for a while more� but then I had to go. He tried to convince me to go home with him� to which I refused� even though I did sort of want to go, I knew my friends would never let me and that it would be pretty sketchy because we wouldn�t be going back to his place but to his friends�. Anyway� I went home with my friends, because I am well-behaved. We decided it�s really strange that people just go home with random people all the time. (Yes, we�re prudish Catholic school girls.) I mean seriously, that dude could have been a serial killer. Like� I�m not condemning one-night stands or saying I am above them, but it�s just really weird that that is the culture of twenty-somethings. It�s fun but I�d imagine that it would get really boring after a while. But then I suppose that�s when people find someone to marry.

Anyway I am going to be realistic and say that he won�t call. Even though I wish he would� he was a really good kisser. The ones I always want to call never do.

Which brings us to last night� we went to two parties on campus�the first one was okay, nothing special and we didn�t know too many people. The second one was weird because the room was tiny so I was stuck in one place all night. I sat down near the chips, big mistake, because I ended up eating the whole bag. And unfortunately this really pompous idiot boy that I know casually ended up sitting next to me and spouting his stupidity for an hour. It was really my own personal hell. Finally we had to get the hell out of there because we were supposedly going back to another party in our building� but we get there and the cops are there and there are like 50 people in the foyer. Apparently the party which we were heading to got busted for some unbeknownst lame reason� something about breaking the occupancy limit or something, which is totally ridiculous because we�ve had 50 people in our apartment at once and never gotten in trouble for it. It�s so crappy, and doesn�t bode well for partying for the rest of the semester� which sucks cause hello, it�s the last month of senior year, what else are we supposed to do?! But yeah� the whole party scene jazz is weird anyway. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. I wish someone would do a study on the college party scene� some weird psychological shit in action right there.

Clearly, I have reached the height of procrastination� I should probably go do some work now� but� 9 days till howie day, 10 til howie and matt :) Yay!

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2004-04-25 3:23 p.m.
it felt great falling, great falling

last 5
jumping ship - 2005-06-13
- - 2005-05-23
something is about to give - 2005-05-18
i'm so much older than i can take - 2005-05-10
the emperor has no clothes - 2005-04-16

About Me:

22/f. red hair, freckles, short. cautiously optimistic. in grad school and not entirely sure if that was the best decision. love music, the ocean, and sunshine. sometimes feel like i can do anything, other times am crippled by the fear that everything i know is wrong.